Hello again!
It's a bit late to publish this, but hey, it only comes 7 months late! I had no website to upload this to, anyway...
In any case, here it is, µCity, the open-source city-building game for Game Boy Color! It can also be spelled 'uCity', but it's pronounced …
more ...Hello!
This is my entry for the GBdev Game Boy Coding Compo 2015! Sadly, only one more game entered the compo. But anyway, here it is!
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAvW2n8Qbeg
Source, binary and more information:
Over the last months I've seen a few tutorials about GB programming that use my GBT Player for music. I have to say a few things about that.
First: Thanks a lot for using my library! The fact that you like it enough to use it in your projects is …
more ...Hello again!
This time I'm here to show you my first GBC demo! Made specially for the 2014 GBDev Game Boy Coding Compo. In fact, I started it like four years ago, but stopped after doing 3 scenes (the first effect, the text scroller at the end of the first …
more ...Hello again!
This is just a bugfix release. I've modified the samples included in the mod file in order to avoid transposing notes when converting it with mod2gbt. This means that you can use all notes from C3 to B8.
You can find source, binaries and examples (RGBDS and GBDK …
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